/* FILE / DATE:     dcf_sim_.c / 2010-05-03
   DESCRIPTION:     DCF Simulator

   COMPILER:        B Knudsen Cc5x C-compiler - not ANSI-C

   EXTERNAL HW:     LCD Display 
                    4 pushbuttons with LED
                    Rotating encoder
                    2 LEDs

   DESIGNER:        Hans Sundgren
   CREDIT:          William Sandqvist for rotary encoder reading

   RAM usage:       172 bytes (12 local), 196 bytes free
   CODE WORDS:      4450 code words (54 %)

CHIP CONNECTIONS ********************************************
                      _________  ________           
                     |         \/        |         
                     |       16F886      |   
                    -|RE3   1     28  RB7|-   
     Output.PULSE--<-|RA0   2     27  RB6|-  
     LCD.backlight-<-|RA1   3     26  RB5|-<-Btn.START      
      LED.SET------<-|RA2   4     25  RB4|-<-Btn.TRANSMIT
      LED.VIEW-----<-|RA3   5     24  RB3|-<-Btn.VIEW
      LED.TRANSMIT-<-|RA4   6     23  RB2|-<-Btn.SET 
      LED.START----<-|RA5   7     22  RB1|-<-Encoder.A
               GND---|Vss   8     21  RB0|-<-Encoder.B
           LED.one-<-|RA7   9     20  Vdd|---+5V    
          LED.null-<-|RA6  10     19  Vss|---GND
   XTAL 32,768 kHz---|OSO  11     18  RC7|->-LCD.D7
   XTAL 32,768 kHz---|OSI  12     17  RC6|->-LCD.D6
            LCD.RS-<-|RC2  13     16  RC5|->-LCD.D5
            LCD.EN-<-|RC3  14     15  RC4|->-LCD.D4

DISPLAY VIEWS, 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 1 -> ...
| View | Shows                | LCD backlight |
| 1    | Time and bit display | No            |
| 2    | Time and bit display | Yes           |
| 3    | Bit overview         | Yes           |
| 4    | Bit description      | Yes           |

| Button     | Color  | Pin | Lamp, pin: lit                 |
| Start/Stop | Green  | RB5 | RA5 | On during clock running  |
| Transmit   | Red    | RB4 | RA4 | Blink on output signal   |
| View       | Blue   | RB3 | RA3 | Blink when pressed       |
| Set        | Yellow | RB2 | RA2 | On during set clock      |

| LED        | Color  | Pin | Lit during...                  |
| 0          | Yellow | RA7 | Output = 0                     |
|            |        |     | Decrement during clock setting |
|            |        |     |                                |
| 1          | Green  | RA6 | Output = 1                     |
|            |        |     | Increment during clock setting |

| Type           |  Function                       | Pin     |
| Rotary encoder | Increase/decrease clock setting | RB0/RB1 |              

PROGRAM OVERVIEW  *******************************************

    Interrupt: 1 Hz ----------------------------------------
   |  If start_mode = 1                                     |
   |     Update clock (step up one second)                  |
   |     Output pulse-value                                 |
   |  Update display                                        |
   |  Check buttons                                         |
   |     If VIEW-button                                     |
   |        Step up display mode 0->1->2->3->0              |
   |     If SET-button                                      |
   |        Setting > 0                                     |
   |         Stop interrupt, jump out to setting sequence   |

    Interrupt: Rotary encoder, during "set clock" ----------
   |  Read encoder                                          |
   |     If increase                                        |
   |        up = 1 and blink LED0                           |
   |     If decrease                                        |
   |        down = 1 and blink LED1                         |

    Main ---------------------------------------------------
   |  Initialization                                        |
   |  Read stored time from EEPROM                          |
   |  Interrupt is active 1 Hz, but the clock is stopped    |
   |  Loop                                                  |
   |     Check START-button                                 |
   |        If START-button                                 |
   |           Toggle start_mode                            |

    Set clock sequence  ------------------------------------
   |  Disable 1 Hz interrupt                                |
   |  Enable rotary encoder interrupt                       |
   |  Step through set sequence, read rotary encoder        |
   |     Update and display time values                     |
   |  Store set time in EEPROM                              |
   |  Enable 1 Hz interrupt                                 |